
What this blog is about.

Hey everyone,
There is a blog out there called that has some posts concerning the DHS student newspaper, "The Squall." The blog has a beneficial premise, in that it allows discussion on issues facing the school, but as it is there is no open dialogue due to the chronic censorship. So comments that are made in response to posts are only put up if it is in agreement with the administrator of the blog. At the top of their blog they say “Comments Welcome,” what they really mean to say is: comments welcome… but only if you agree with us. The whole point of this blog is to let people exercise their right to the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Not everyone agrees on everything that happens at the high school, and that’s ok, whether you agree with us or not, we want to know. But please, although the point of this blog is to let everyone’s voice heard without censorship, we ask that you be mature about your comments. So feel free to post comments about anything we post on our page, or anything posted on because we want to hear all sides of the matter. COMMENTS WELCOME (and we mean it.)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dexter's morals or Why I avoid the painting of Venus

Perhaps when we’re discussing the quality of the squall’s morals it deserves the question of why we even have a student paper? Isn’t it so students can express their opinion and spread news of events? Is something any less true or relevant if it’s offensive? Is the squall really even that offensive? Aren’t the issues discussed relevant to the students?

We shouldn’t forget that there is such thing as a balance. Maybe there’s nothing stopping the squall from printing porn, or suicide notes, or whatever may seem to violate the rigid moral standards of a few over-zealous parents, but isn’t the fact that high school students have the power to do that but don’t prescriptive of the fact that they have their own reasonable moral standards? Won’t legislating exactly what is said just breed resentment and rebelliousness? Are these parents really so naive to think that their passionate protest will change any students minds?

Anyway, who’s to say which moral standard is the best for the paper? Judeo-Christian morality is all fine and good, but we shouldn’t forget that the school is a public institution. There isn’t a standard for belief written on each of our hearts. Of course we can’t deny parents’ right to decide for their own family, but if you have a problem with the newspaper don’t let your student read it, if you have a problem with the dances don’t let your student go. What gives anyone the right to legislate anything for anyone else? But these parents should be warned, a totalitarian conception of your role over your child may result in short term innocence, but too often those who are kept on the shortest leashes are the ones who rebel the most. (I’m sure you’ve all heard of the kid from the good family who goes wrong; there must be a balance.)

Now I’ll grant them that that painting is horrible. Let’s look at the definition of porn, pornography: creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire (princeton wordnet). Clearly the painting of the birth of Venus has no virtue, it is in no way an important piece of art. Do these people really wonder why that hallway is so important? People are obviously going there to ogle the painting. I know many people—who are modest—that don’t go to that hallway for fear of embarrassing themselves. I don’t even know how it got put up in the first place, can the school really condone such classical art when so many ruffians and deviants look at it? Haven’t you noticed all those gansta’ rappers with replicas of the statue of David and the birth of Venus?


  1. The Birth of Venus painting is in no way sexual. It represents a BIRTH. Being naked. Which happened to everyone. I don't understand why people think classical art is so offensive, it is NOT eroticized or made to be some sort of porn. And, it was not made to stimulate sexual desire, as you so cleverly pulled off of princeton wordnet. Now, "gangsta' rappers", take those images and turn them into porn, and this mainstream media could be a reason why people don't like classical art. Have you seen the actual painting of The Birth of Venus? It's actually more revealing than what's in the hall. If you get embarrassed when looking at things like that, you really need to grow up.

  2. Please note the sarcasm of the last paragraph

  3. Thanks. Ordinarily, that's pretty obvious sarcasm, because that view is so ludicrous that there's no way that anyone could possibly have- oh wait.

  4. Samantha Elise HarrisApril 8, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    I am a senior at Michigan State University; an amazing school that is cutting edge in numerous facets, one of which is journalism and communications. I will be receiving my B.A. in communications and media studies very soon and am proud to have participated in the Squall’s existence. I hope to change the world in a unique and positive way through films and documentaries; to expose the horrors and joys that are kept hidden or overlooked. Never before has our world been so distraught and corrupt; now more than ever we need a voice of reason, a voice that disturbs and stirs others, and a voice that reminds others to change. I am here to remind these criticizing parents that there is more going on outside of themselves, their little bubble and level of understanding that will one day, sooner or later, grow larger than their ability to complain and public issues will spill out. Whether by word of mouth, written means or seen through media, your children will grow up and hopefully will contribute to the world; but only if you learn to let go and accept reality.
    The Squall is an award winning student newspaper and publication that has earned national recognition. However, pardon me as I can’t help but get the overwhelming sense that these parents including “Barbara R.” (someone who apparently doesn’t feel passionately or confident enough to share her entirety) are not members of the Dexter community but rather poorly educated, uncultured and over concerned parents that flocked to Dexter as more and more suburbia’s popped up in hopes of raising replicas of themselves; God save our town. I lived in Dexter, Michigan for 18 years of my life and never before have I had to deal publicly with such anally retentive “adults” who are trying to bring such a counterproductive change to the school. Apparently, as they have so aptly demonstrated, these parents have no understanding, concept or respect for journalism and how it’s saved and shaped our futures. I could go into depth about the Constitution and the freedom of speech but I’ll assume these few parents actually paid attention that day in their elementary school and will be able to stay on par with us.
    Freedom of speech and the right to voice your opinion is the exact reason you are able to post such an amateur and obsolete blog site as “Clean Up DHS”. There are several case law examples you could take the time to research that demonstrate how it is illegal and unconstitutional for a principal to edit and monitor the student newspaper. Are you not concerned after the whole ordeal with the principal installing spyware to monitor students while they were at home? Or do you not keep up with news? May I be bold enough to ask what it is that you do with yourself all day; what is your occupation? Did you even get a college degree, or if so, perhaps you got married and side tracked with children so now you sit at home failing the roll of a SAHM and blog out your misery and contempt for your husband’s free life. Then again I could be way off but when I view such rants and idiotic discussions, this is exactly what my mind ponders and I find myself burying my head in my hands questioning why God gave people like you a mouth or fingers for that matter.
    Would you like me to inform you of the true issues going on in this world, so that perhaps you’ll actually make use of your negative energy and put it towards being productive and saving lives, educating others, or even rallying for something that’s actually important? How about you use the time you waste on this blog site of yours, to research the crisis in the Congo where women are being raped daily; having guns shot through their vaginas, penetrated with broken glass and bayonettes. Oh I’m sorry; did I offend you? Sometimes the truth is ugly and journalists, like Nicholas Kristof (New York Times) need to disturb and violate your eyes in order for you to get off your cushy American Dream and do something about it...

  5. Samantha Elise HarrisApril 8, 2010 at 9:40 PM

    How about all the Native Americans that are still being robbed of their land and sterilized against their will in the US? Being surrounded by acres upon acres of uranium dug up by our greedy capitalistic society? Or perhaps I should inform you of the child prostitutes in Cambodia and other various countries throughout Europe, Asia and such? Men who not only rape their body but pillage and devour their souls; shoving ground chili pepper into their vaginas. One child who was only five years old was so badly penetrated that she had to have her bowels and intestines sewn back in. Or poor 16 year olds that have to use colostomy bags; a frightening reality as nearly 90% of the women in Congo’s villages are rape victims. Are you taken aback yet? Please forgive me, I’m such a horrible person for bringing you the truth. Ewww, I don’t like being outside my comfort zone and I don’t want the hear about the world’s true needs but rather I’d like to continue my fabricated existence and to believe that I serve a purpose. Well I am not going to let that happen, at least not for the few moments I have your attention.
    Do you still not see how stupid and trivial your thoughts and concerns are? Do you not see how little and insignificant you are and how counterproductive you are to the youth’s education, including your own children? I fear for and sympathize for your children as I cannot imagine being raised in such a restrictive and stifling environment; a cage rather. Oh but you’ll have a rude awakening once they go to college; many of them go crazy (hence why you see Girls Gone Wild), unless you raise them outside of your authoritarian style. It is because of parents like you who have failed to do their job that we have idiots running wild in this society. What happened to you as a child that was so horrific that causes you foam at the mouth whenever there’s a chance to suppress and take from others? Sincerely, where did your parents go wrong? There are only so many creative theories I can come up with and yet none of which can explain your eccentricity.

  6. Samantha Elise HarrisApril 8, 2010 at 9:41 PM

    You cannot hide your children under a rock and block out life’s truths and realities; not only would I accuse you of some warped Munchausen’s syndrome but rather you truly don’t want your children to grow and flourish. They need to see things that are disturbing, upsetting, inspiring, hopeful, creative, emotionally charged and unique. This molds them into a productive member of society and not a robot which is something I’m starting to consider as your origins. More like a Big Brother drone from what I have read in your blog. You might as well join the Fox News and other highly monitored and funded sources; sure, some people will believe it’s real news that you’re allowing and somewhat important. However there will be others, like the parents, teachers and students at DHS that enjoy the Squall for everything that it is; Real events, news and issues.
    I am shocked that Ms. Barbara R. (how about Barbara Ridiculous), believes that nothing in the Squall is edited. That literally nothing is touched other than legal matters and corrections? That is not true. Try and convince me otherwise as I spent hours upon hours correcting and editing things that my profane mind produced and others didn’t agree with. I’d love to show you some of my previous articles and opinion columns as I’m sure I’d make you feel like Rip Van Winkle or some middle-aged person struggling to handle their life’s transitions…but wait, I forgot, that’s actually the truth! *Gasp*. Oops, I said something else that’s offensive! You know why? Because people like you need a reality check and to get in touch with themselves, the world and the others who inhabit it…because guess what, you’re not the only one on this planet and I hate you inform you that you aren’t more important. A rude awakening I know. So instead of worrying about what your son or daughter (perhaps both but I’m praying you haven’t reproduced more than one spawn) reads and hears, go do something with yourself. Go volunteer, donate, help out or just even educate yourself because I can’t tolerate any more outlandish parental “movements” that don’t serve a purpose. If you have a problem with this, go elsewhere; Dexter was doing just fine without you and I’m sure it’ll cope without your charming and charismatic presence. If you aren’t satisfied perhaps I’ll make the connection with how your personal preferences reflect an unrealized love for boarding schools and strict religious, dogmatic institutions; I think you’d feel right at home and can sigh in relief as you know your child is safe being pumped full of sensationalized, controlled and manipulated information. Some people can’t handle the real world so they either turn their backs to it or they try to fight it and firmly believe they stand for something. It’s a joke and we’re all laughing; just take the time to look around.

  7. Samantha Elise HarrisApril 8, 2010 at 9:42 PM

    I just lost a good friend of mine this weekend and have his funeral to attend tomorrow, so instead of spending time on important things like writing up a remembrance speech, I have to waste my efforts on correcting bored and under stimulated people like you, because no one else will. No one else wants to deal with you and I don’t blame them. However, I would love to deal with you. I’d love to learn about your life and how such a distraught and neglected person came to be. I’d love to take you to some of my classes and although painful, you might actually learn. I could show you what’s really important and point you in the direction where you can let your freak flag fly and I’ll pray you finally see the light.
    If it weren’t for people who actually cared, we’d still be ruled by the same mindset and philosophy you embody; dictatorship . I hope you realize that out of the vast audience and readers that enjoy the Squall, you serve as a minute and unimportant fraction; but I always wonder, why is it that the few people who don’t like something productive or different are always the ones to bitch the loudest? It makes you appear larger than you are as others begin to believe it’s an issue and the majority is upset, however, congratulations for you and your large social movement of seven or more members; you aren’t going to change the Squall.
    Please urge me to sensor myself Barbara R. because I am seriously considering driving down to Dexter after class to meet and witness such incompetent parents at these conferences, of which I hope you’ll grace us with your presence. In fact if you RSVP I’ll be sure to plan around such a humorous and enlightening event. Let me know and we’ll make a date, I might even bring you flowers and take your mother out for dinner.
    I am a proud senior at MSU and I will help the world but running my big mouth and opening the public to the problems in our world; whether they are pretty to look at or not. I was the entertainment editor for the Squall my sophomore and junior year. It was an amazing experience and although the hours spent writing, editing and the time at layout nights were strenuous; it was worth it. Why? Because the students, teachers and parents all enjoyed reading the Squall, even if it contained somewhat “controversial” topics. Rod Satterhwaite is an amazing man, has a brilliant character and ethic, and I refuse to allow some ignorant clique of parents to gather together so they can regurgitate each other’s sheeple-like words and actually believe they’re going to make a difference. You’re not and it is because I won’t allow or watch the school crumble beneath some disgruntled, mid-life crisis victims who don’t know where else to direct their dissatisfaction. I urge you to push me further because I have gotten politicians to bend and universities to waiver their own rules and regulations. I am a mover and shaker and I will obliterate your meek voice with counter publicity and connections. Sit down and retire your lack of reason. Boom.

    Samantha Elise Harris
    Michigan State University
    College of Communication Arts & Sciences

  8. Hi. I am a student at Michigan State University, and I have taken an interest in this debate. I would like to write a story about the issue for a media law class, and I'm trying to find out who I need to contact to make that happen.
    My name is Liz, and my email is My phone number is 248.408.9161
    I would like to interview a student who is involved with the paper by Wednesday. Please feel free to contact me at the listings above. Thank you.

  9. I am a junior at dhs
    i would just like to thank Samantha Elise Harris for her time and care

    if something should happen to the squall I plan to start a new newspaper, one that will print and distribute blatant pornography and things that are actually offensive around dexter high. Until the squall is reinstated.
    I think the people who fear the impact the squall will have on their kids delicate sensibilities should be informed that the actual conversations and activities in the high school are far more risque then the squall is.
